A opportunity to pitch to sponsors to invest in our heating corp business

Every one of us lived in a small city at the edge of the city plus it saw the extremes of the weather.

When it was hot, it was too tepid plus when frigid it was chilly. I saw this as a great choice to open up a supplier that supplied Heating plus Air Conditioning units plus services to the residents of our hometown as well. I had saved up some currency but it was not enough, thus I had an choice to pitch our supplier idea to a group of sponsors. I had a background as a Heating plus Air Conditioning tech plus therefore knew the supplier well… Part of the pitch included illustrating how I would help the residents of our city plus the surrounding town. This was not strenuous as I had collected reviews about the repair I offered when in the previous business. Some of these services were boiler installation, compiling a list of energy saving help tips plus performing furnace/heater tune-ups. I narrated a case story of a client who needed her central heating to not use a lot of energy plus still maintain quality indoor comfort. I had advocated her to use the wireless temperature control to set the temperatures to low whenever she was in the house. Some of the units to supply included straight-forward standalone units such as the oil oil furnace plus the space heater, the more complex electric gas furnaces care about the geo heat pump, plus the ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning. I also had a heating plus A/C certificate that allowed me to open up a heating corp. The pitch went incredibly well plus I was able to get funding to purchase the current heating units I had planned to stock. I also employed additional help to handle the installation of the central heating.


Energy saving tips