At least the HVAC is really good

Their house is so nice.

Just pulling in the driveway was tough. It was the first load of my stuff that I was bringing to my parent’s home. And with it, I was losing the first bit of adult independence I had ever experienced. But, like my Dad said, this is temporary and there is plenty of time to continue with my life and career. In the meantime, at least I could enjoy the air conditioning. I had to move home last year because I lost my job. It was the first real job I had ever worked and I got it straight out of college. But the last ones in are always the first ones out. And that axiom held true in my case. At least they provided me with a box for my stuff as I packed up and left that office with the perfectly zone controlled HVAC. Who knows what will happen. But I know that I couldn’t afford the apartment I was living in on no salary. I even tried to gig online while I burned through my meager savings in an effort to maintain my independence. Leaving the actual apartment wasn’t so bad. The place had pretty terrible heating and cooling. The HVAC unit had never seen an HVAC professional and was woefully not up to the task. At least at my parents, I can enjoy some high quality heating and air. Their house is so nice. They moved in like a year or two ago. The HVAC technology is like incredible and they are putting me up for as long as I need. It’s really nice to have a soft place to land when life beats you up pretty good.


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