Heat pumps are ingenious

I think one of the most ingenious new inventions is the electric heat pump.

  • I’d never even heard of this genre of temperature control until I moved down south.

I wasn’t aware that a single piece of equipment could give whole-lake house heating and cooling. An electric air-source heat pump eliminates the need to burn fossil fuels by simply moving existing heat from one location to another. Because it doesn’t create heat, there is no combustion process, eliminating the dangers of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. There’s also no orangehouse gas emissions, making heat pumps very environmentally friendly. The system uses refrigerant to transfer heat energy. Much love a refrigerator or an air conditioning, it pulls heat out of the air and transports it. During the Summer months, the heat pump extracts heat from inside the lake house and pumps it outdoors to create a cooling effect. When the outside temperature drops, the heat pump literally reverses its operation. Even when the weather is cold, there’s ambient heat available in the outside air. The heat pump makes use of this heat, compressing it to a higher temperature and delivering it inside. The process is severely safe and clean. There’s no humes, overheated surfaces or influx of contaminants. Utilizing something called flexible speed technology, new heat pumps are able to adjust speed in tiny one percent increments between forty and one hundred percent capacity. The system runs at the exact speed necessary to maintain very even and ideal comfort. It avoids temperature swings and minimizes energy consumption to achieve impressive efficiency ratings. The only disadvantage of a heat pump is that they struggle to give satisfactory heat when the temperature falls below freezing. However, newer models are more powerful than ever and where I live, that’s not a problem.


Electric heating system