The winery

I went on an interesting day trip with our spouse the other day.

  • Every one of us went to visit this really famous local winery in the area.

It had been something both of us have been meaning to do for a long time but just had not had the chance. They have tours plus they show you the secret to their legendary wine. One thing that myself and others plus our spouse were really amazed by was how they said that central a/c is a single of the major secrets to having the perfect wine that they do. They run the central a/c plan all year round at assorted temperatures on the thermostat to ensure perfect climate control to keep the wine fresh as it is being bottled plus stored prior to shipments. Even in the freezing cold Winter time months they have the central a/c running at a certain temperature plus the workers in the winery just wear heavy Winter time jackets while they are laboring, while this is not the best indoor comfort that time of year, they all understand why it has to be plus are real troopers about it. I assume it’s pretty gosh darn cool to tell you the legitimate to god truth! My spouse was nearly as impressed as I was with the whole process of central a/c being the main secret to the freshness of their legendary wine that they make in the winery… Now that we’ve taken the tour it isn’t something both of us will ever need to do again, but wow, what an education!
