I want a hotel with a quiet Heating, Ventilation & A/C system

I am a entirely light sleeper, for this reason I dislike traveling, but it is hard enough to fall asleep, & stay asleep, in my own bed with my quiet Heating, Ventilation & A/C system! But, for some reason, hotel Heating, Ventilation & A/C systems are always super noisy! Add to that the fact that I am sleeping in a odd bed, with odd stinks, & I find sleeping in a hotel almost impossible… So when my hubby wanted to book a romantic getaway I felt entirely stressed, but on the a single hand, the two of us entirely could use some time away from it all.

On the other hand, I entirely could use some sleep too.

I didn’t see that happening with a noisy hotel Heating, Ventilation & A/C system. I got tied up about this & so I talked to my psychologist. She recommended that I take my own pillow, take some scented candles, & that I call around & find a hotel that doesn’t use PTAC systems. She explained that PTAC systems are those individual window units that several hotels use. She said that more current hotels have central heating & air with zone control in every room. Or they have ductless mini chop systems. Both are way quieter than PTAC systems. Of course, bringing my own pillow & scented candles will also serve to make the hotel room a little more like my own room & should help me sleep. I decided to provide it a try. I called up a few hotels before I found a single with a ductless mini chop system. I was assured it was entirely quiet, now I am looking forward to our trip away… This is going to be fun.



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