If I was more handy, I would work on the HVAC unit myself

I worry about trusting outside shops and services to take care of me! I’d love to be the sort of guy who was self-sufficient, so I didn’t have to worry about contacting others when something went wrong for me, and but, alas, I am not a handy individual.

This is how I wind up in problematic situations with appliances all around the home – including the HVAC unit, most recently.

The other afternoon, our HVAC program genuinely ruined my afternoon. I had truly no idea that there was anything going wrong with my indoor air handling devices before the afternoon when the forced air furnace stopped! For the past 5 years I have been using the same bullet proof indoor air temperature control program that came with our apartment. I have never once had an issue with temperature or air quality control before in the past. Then, last week I woke up and found that my indoor air temperature was frigid, especially compared to thermostat settings. There was no sizzling air passing through our multitude of air vents and it felt as though the heating program had stopped operating hours earlier. I tried to mess with the heating program and thermostat for a few minutes before I eventually decided I needed to call our central HVAC company for expert help with the HVAC system. Unfortunately, when I called to arrange our appointment, there was no answer on the other end. I called the shop a dozen times, but the line wasn’t being answered. I found out later that their front desk worker quit that afternoon, so there was no one answering phone calls through the heating and cooling service shop to receive the HVAC inspection request, and really wish I didn’t count on them.
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