23 humidifier

I live in an section with sweltering summers and un-even temperatures that regularly soar into the triple digits.

It is a dry heat that results in a lack of essential humidity.

Ideal relative indoor humidity should be diagnosed between 40% and 60%. Both of us deal with overly dry air for the majority of the year, and it disadvantagely impacts comfort, health, skin, hair and even a fantastic night’s sleep. Studies have proven that regularly humidifying the indoor air lessens the risk of infection from airborne virus particles by 86%. Dry air pulls moisture out of everything it touches and can be especially bad for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and low humidity levels decrease skin elasticity and can accelerate the formation of fantastic wrinkles. It also dries out and weakens hardwood floors, cursing the wood to shrink and contract. There is the potential of damage to antiques, rock n rollal instruments and many home furnishings. Aggravated symptoms of dust sensitivities and asthma, chapped lips, blood noses, headaches and inflamed mucous membranes are some of the many consequences. To improve indoor air quality and comfort, I have researched the different types of whole-house humidifier. There are bypass, fan-powered and steam-style humidifiers that labor to distribute necessary moisture back into the air throughout the living space. Because of the square footage of our home, I chose a steam-style option. The humidifier wasn’t over expensive, operates quietly and costs little to run. It requires repair just once per year. I love the ability to customize humidity levels according to the season and our preferences. Having the humidifier helps to make the home think warmer at lower control unit settings in the winter.

cooling tech