A snake crawled out of the air conditioning unit.

I heard my wife scream, and then there was a lot of pounding on the floor.

I ran upstairs to see what was wrong and she could only point. That’s when I saw the snake lying on the floor, dead. She said she had turned the air conditioning unit to cool it off while she house cleaned the bedroom. The snake had crawled out of the air conditioning unit and landed on the floor. She stomped on it when it landed. I stood there looking at the floor, and then I heard a giggle. Our eight-year-old son was standing outside the room; barely controlling his laughter. I walked out and pushed him into the room, while asking him if he knew anything about that, and I pointed to the snake. He walked over and picked it up while telling his mother it was just a joke and the snake was a toy. I could barely control my laughter, but my wife wasn’t seeing the humor in it. She said the thing crawled out of the air conditioning unit. How was he able to get it in there so it would come out when she turned the AC unit on? He said it was easy, and he showed her how it was small enough to slip into the AC unit. When he slid the ‘fake’ snake in, he pulled another one out. The fake snake was still in the AC unit. The snake my son thought was fake was real, which had my wife screaming all over again. I had to take the AC unit out of the window and rip it apart to make sure there were no more snakes inside and to find out how it got inside.

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