Air conditioner repair

When our fiance and I first obtained our house, the people I was with and I knew the heating/cooling unit wouldn’t go much further, then it was a packaged unit that was apparently ancient. The outer lodgeet showed signs of rust and the plan made a tremendous amount of noise, however, it managed to maintain the ideal indoor temperature in both heating and cooling mode, not that many of years ago, during the middle of the summer, I noticed warm air coming from the vents. I messed around with the control unit settings, changed the batteries and replaced the air filter on the system, however nothing fixed the problem. I finally called an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C contractor for repairs. The contractor removed the outer lodgeet, cleaned out the buildup of debris and found a undoubtedly small refrigerant leak. She said that the age of the plan made it impossible to find replacement parts. She suggested simply refilling and recharging the refrigerant and seeing how long the repair lasted. It cost myself and others $200, however the plan once again gave plenty of cool air… A year later, I had the exact same concern again. This time, I was unwilling to invest more than 2 hundred dollars into fixing an outdated machine. I contacted the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C contractor and specified that I wanted the heating/cooling unit replaced; While it costs myself and others more than 2 thoUnited Statesnd dollars for a new system, I am saving money on lower energy bills every week… Plus, the unit is covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. It no longer startles myself and others with a loud grinding sound every time it starts up, and the house stays cleaner. I can be confident that the new plan isn’t going to quit during the middle of drastic weather.


new hvac equipment