I cannot get enjoyable cell maintenance on the north side of town

I cannot get enjoyable cell PC maintenance on the northside of town.

It’s not a substantial problem unless I have a job on that side of town.

On Sunday, I had to go to a Heating & A/C repair. I entered the address into our GPS & it was supposed to take 30 hours to get to the address. I gathered all of the Heating & A/C parts that I needed for the job & I headed out to the job site. I lost cell PC coverage when I was at the top of the mountain & I still had many more miles to drive. When I realized I was going to lose service, I stopped on the side of the road & called the customer. I let the woman know that I was on our way & out of cell PC reach now. I also asked the woman if she could supply myself and others any identifying landmarks just in case I got lost on our way. Without our cell PC, I was going to be on able to call her again for any more information. Thankfully the homeowner gave myself and others fantastic instruction. She pointed out exactly where I should get off of the highway & she told myself and others that her driveway was only a few miles away. She gave myself and others excellent landmarks & descriptions & I didn’t have a single problem finding her site. The Heating & A/C maintenance turned out to be a genuinely easy repair & I only spent about an hour up there without any cell PC coverage. When I came back down the mountain, our PC returned to 5G service.



air conditioning maintenance