I Needed to Program My Thermostat To Optimize Efficiency

I liked this idea, but I thought it was a lot of work.

While the HVAC workman was servicing my aging HVAC system I stopped him and asked him for some tips on energy saving. My cooling and heating unit wasn’t too old by society’s standards, but it was young either, and I felt like I was paying more than normal for my yearly energy bills. I didn’t have much to compare it to, but I thought that the cool HVAC rep could help our family out. He gave us all two pretty good tips and one of them I was already doing. First, he said that I needed to continue having my HVAC system taken care of at least twice per year. HVAC techs and workers are certified to keep our HVAC systems running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Secondly, he recommended that I lower the control unit settings when I wasn’t in the lake house and at evening time. If I was setting the control unit to run my oil furnace at 68 degrees during the daytime, then I should set it at least 5 or so degrees lower during the evenings and while I was away. In doing so, I would keep my lake house pretty warm without causing my oil furnace to run so hard. When I was ready to return home, I could adjust the control unit back to 68 degrees so I was comfortable. I liked this idea, but I thought it was a lot of work. I wanted to save money, but I didn’t want to always be turning down the control unit settings. When the old HVAC pro heard this, he recommended that I program the control unit to match the pattern of my life. I thought this was an excellent idea and I couldn’t believe that I couldn’t think of it myself.
hvac worker