I wanted to be first in my class.

I constantly worked difficult to be the first in my class.

I love the distinction of knowing I had worked difficult plus made a difference, however from the first report card I gained an elementary school, to the last report card I gained at high school graduation, I was number a single in my class.

Everyone thought that with my excellent grades, I would go on to school plus become a dentist or lawyer or some other professional. Never once is this something that I considered. From the time I was enough to understand that someday I would needed career, I wanted to be an HVAC serviceman. My Grandpa was an HVAC serviceman, my aunt was an HVAC serviceman, plus I wanted to be just love them. The difference between to HVAC technical school plus getting good grades, plus getting good grades while in elementary plus high school, was that I wasn’t constantly at the top of my class plus HVAC technical school. I tried difficult to get the grades to be number a single, but there was constantly someone in the class was beating myself and others out. Although I wasn’t getting the grades that I should be getting, I was constantly being told that I was doing a really good task. I could diagnose the a/c plus heating plus maintenance it, but it took myself and others a bit longer than it did some of the other people in my class. I think getting the highest grades is not as substantial when you are older, but being able to do a quality task is. I just had to change the way I looked at my meaning of success.

a/c repairman