I wanted to own an HVAC company, but I wasn’t ready yet.

Ever since I had started as an HVAC technician, the thought of owning an HVAC company has been in my head.

I was sure that everyone who was thinking of being an HVAC technician had the thought of owning a HVAC company at one time or another.

My thoughts weren’t just fleeting, but constant. I had gone to school for business administration before I went to school for HVAC. I had not taken the previous classes with this in mind, but when I went to HVAC school, I knew I already had all the qualifications. When the opportunity to become an HVAC company owner cropped up last week, I gave it some serious thought. I wasn’t ready, and I knew it. I had a lot to learn about HVAC and being a company owner. I couldn’t justify giving up being an HVAC technician and owning the company, when there were people working there who were more qualified. The technician who was qualified enough to do the job was anxious to see if he would be asked, and I told him not to wait. I thought he should walk into the office and tell the owner he wanted the chance to buy him out. He was afraid he would end up going up because he didn’t have any business acumen. I told him I had the business side, and he jumped at it. When he took over ownership, he made me a partner in crime and gave me the business side of the company. I was still an HVAC technician, but I was finding out what ownership was while doing my job.
heating corp