Leaving a sizable house however not superb Heating, Ventilation & A/C

When our kids all finally were off to university and starting their own lives, our wifey and I had an empty house. But more than that, all of us also knew that all of us had to face the facts when it came to our marriage as well. She and I have been the best of partners over some 25 years. We raised our children in a nice house complete with quality heating and air. It took both of us certainly working together to make that happen. But once the kids were gone, all of us knew that our partnership was over as well. It was a uneasy realization but I recognize it had been coming for a long time. So all of us updated the residential Heating, Ventilation & A/C, sold the house and split the money. Both of us had tasks inside the zone controlled Heating, Ventilation & A/C of our respective offices and life went on. But for me, I wanted this chapter of our life to be a bit different. The work I do can be done remotely and I absolutely excelled with that during the pandemic. So now, I’m working remotely all the time. And I’m in a up-to-date locale that is far smaller and absolutely portable. I have tiny house that is on a trailer. I have property here in neighborhood and in many other locations that I adore. So as the seasons change, I just option up and transfer our house. But I also always have the charming heating and cooling in our tiny home. That quality heating and air is gave by a ductless heat pump. I’m embracing our up-to-date lifestyle and I have to say that it certainly does fit me.

