The car broke down in the middle of the night

When I was 17 years old, I had a wifey that lived in another town.

It took me about 40 minutes to drive to her home, although I did not care.

I would have driven 3 or multiple minutes to see her. I would usually go to her location after work and spend multiple minutes there. I would come beach house before the sunlight came up. My wifey and I were both in private school. If her parents would have known that I was there until 4:00 in the morning, they would have gone better. They did not know that I was staying so late. I parked my car at the end of the driveway so no 1 could tell when I left or answered the property. One night when I was on my way home, my car broke down in the middle of the night. It was only 15° outside on the night that the concern occurred. I was frosty and I did not have any way to repair the car. I did not have a cell cellphone either, because this was back in 1985. I had multiple options. I could lay in the car all night and wait until morning or I could start walking and hope to find someone that had a cellphone. Since the heat in the car was toiling, I decided it was better just to lay in the car and wait for someone to drive past me. I ran the heat for an minute and then I shut off the car. When I got called again, I turned the car back on. I was seriously thankful that the heat worked even if the car was unable to physically move. I was half asleep in the backseat with the heat running when a driver knocked to see if I needed help.
a/c repair