I made a film about my Uncle Ed when I was in film school

When I was in film school, I made a film about my uncle Ed for one of my classes; Now that Ed has passed away, I am easily ecstatic that I have that film about him so that I can watch it as well as reminisce about Ed fondly every now and again; I remember making the film, even though it was almost 25 years ago now; As I was working on the project back in film school, we were supposed to be doing a short film about a local business, and the only lady I knew in the section who owned a company at that point was my Uncle Ed, and uncle Ed went to college to get her Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C certification as well as licensing from back in the 1970s as well as Ed had all kinds of crazy stories about the women that she went to Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C college with.

Not only that, but Ed also had good stories about the Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C technology conferences that Ed as well as a bunch of her friends used to go to back in the 1973s.

I guess it was a really wild scene back in those days, as well as Uncle Ed was cheerful to tell me everything about it right on camera. I feel that the fact that Ed made the heating as well as cooling industry seem so interesting as well as fun easily helped me with my final grade for that project; At this point, I’m just ecstatic that I have the footage of Ed so that I can go back as well as watch it whenever I miss him. I guess you just never guess what things are going to come in handy someday.

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