We love playing our music by the church

Tonight we will play again by the majestic church by the sea in my town! It is such an epic and beautiful arena to play to be honest.

I wish I could show you a picture of it.

Actually, if you want to Google it legitimately suddenly I think you would be impressed by the beauty of the nearly 400 year ancient stone church. It is nestled next to some local companies and dwellings and is a hop skip and a jump from the heating corp where I work. You can simply just search for the church by the sea in Sitges and you can see where we play tunes. If you have never been overseas, I recommend coming to this neighborhood because it is so stunning and the prices are affordable for a short term visit… Periodically after I finish work at the heating and cooling appliance store, I come over to the church and just hang out to watch the sunset in the evening because we have some of the most epic sunsets of all of the Spanish coasts. We were playing outside of the church recently and the priest opened the windows of the church and told us that he legitimately appreciated our tunes. He also asked us if we could not play too late at night as he had a service going on later that evening. He was legitimately kind to us and gentle with his words and I’ve seen him in the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C appliance corporation a few times getting HEPA filters for the church’s Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C appliance. I genuinely can’t wait to play there later, as you will soon see why.
a/c service