My mom broke her hip and now she is here with us

My mom has been living alone for a long time.

My dad passed away 6 years ago.

My sister and I were very worried about my mom staying home by herself, but she wasn’t going to leave the house unless she did not have any choice. In March of this year, she didn’t have any choice. She fell and broke her hip. She could not return to her home, so she is now living here with my wife and I. We had to make some changes around the house in order to make room for my wife’s mother. Since she broke her hip, she needs a lot of assistive devices in the bathroom and the bedroom. She has a lot of trouble getting around without help. My mom complains about the temperature in the bedroom too. The bedroom where she is staying is on the other side of the house. We had to make room for my mom and she had to be in a place where she did not have to be concerned with any steps. That part of the house is naturally warmer and my mom constantly complains about the indoor temperatures. Last night she was talking to my wife about buying a portable air conditioner for the house. I don’t think we need a portable air conditioner, but I’m not going to say no if my mom wants to buy one to put in her bedroom. It’s going to raise the electric bill quite a bit, but I would rather pay the bill then listen to the complaints.


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