Made a new friend

The most unusual things happen sometimes. Like me just making a new friend when my central heating and air conditioning system had broken down. My local heating and air conditioning company did not have any emergency heat and a/c home services available when I needed it. So I called an independent heating and air conditioning specialist I found online in my area. I have to tell you that I do not know how it happened, but we started talking about all kinds of things and turned out we had a lot of the same interests. We both also have wives who have the same interests. So we decided we were going to get together and hang out. Him and his wife and me with my wife. The independent heating and air conditioning specialist also ended up giving me a discount on the heating and air conditioning repair because of this. He only charged me for regular heating and air conditioning home services instead of emergency heating and cooling home services. That was mighty fine of him to do that because he did not have to even though we were going to hang out. Making friends in the most odd ways like this is something that does not happen every single day of your life, you know? Who would have thought that an emergency heating and air conditioning phone call to a local independent heat and a/c specialist was going to turn into a possible friendship? The most strange things happen and you never know what is next.


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