Boyfriend’s central air conditioning home

on the actual date so either today is our seven months or it’s in a few days.

I guess that’s what happens when you date a bunch of narcissistic people and you stop to care about the small things in life.

Michael is changing that in me though. He has shown me there are good people out there. He has never been married, never had kids and from what I can tell never done anything bad in his life. He most definitely has his life together and that is huge for my daughter and me. Being together this long I’m always over at his house. I’m trying to put small subtle hints that I’m ready to take the next step in our life and move in together. I know my daughter loves him as he shows her tons of respect and he always is there to help her. His house is clean and he lives in a great neighborhood. His job allows him to afford an indoor pool, an 85 inch TV, a full fridge of groceries, and the latest technology of an HVAC system. He just recently updated to a smart thermostat as well. His house is amazingly comfortable and most importantly he trusts us. He gave my daughter Martha information about his smart thermostat so she can mess with the settings if Michael and I are not there. We go on little dates on our own and she is so comfortable there that she either reads her books or naps. Basically, she can do anything she wants and we both know she won’t do anything wrong. I’m hoping soon we will move in together because I feel he is the perfect match for my daughter and me.

whole home heating