Cooling equipment not on the radar yet

We are in the middle of January and the weather is downright bitter cold.

My wonderful friend and I have about three or more months of this cold weather and then it will begin to break and make way for warmer afternoons.

I still am training some people in volleyball but it isn’t so pleasant out there on the beach these afternoons. My friend and I try to practice while in the warmest section of the morning, but when the high for the morning is 51F it doesn’t make for such a fantastic time in the sand. A gas fireplace is nice to have in our flat while I work, but it doesn’t do much to keep myself and others warm when the wind on the beach is cooling us down with every gust. I will work in our flat for the next few hours and then do a quick yoga session before I head down to the beach. My friends have a little man-made fireplace on the beach and they are going to do a bonfire there later when the sun goes down. It should be a fun time and I guess my friend and I may end up playing some music there too. He is a heating and cooling equipment salesman and my friend and I met a few years ago when we were doing a gas furnace repair job for a commercial heating as well as air conditioning system in town. I guess we both are going to play some music tomorrow if the temps are not that cold, which should be a fun time considering my friend and I haven’t played together since last year. Maybe now I should go turn on our radiant floors to warm my feet up before hitting the beach.
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