Sleeping well thanks to our electric heater

I talked to my mom in the States last night, telling her that I am considering moving back home to be around friends and family. She said to make sure I want to move back because I came here overseas several years ago to work on my craft (comedy), and I don’t want to leave it all just to be around friends and family. My step dad , who is a heating professional for a local supplier, said that we are put on earth to be creative and if I leave it all I may find myself unhappy and restless back home. The local company where I work here has a giant room where they store the heating and Air Conditioning systems and they let me and others jam and practice in the room when it is too cold out to do so. This is a genuinely artsy town and I guess it is wonderful to be here to further my artistic dreams, and moving back to the States may cause me to lose touch with that dream due to the hustle and bustle of the world over there. But my cooling rep told me to stay here and work with him on air duct systems in the morning and do our music at night. I guess I’ll give it another year and see what happens with our music. My heating and cooling tech job is fantastic here and I like to perform for the people in the local companies as they rest and drink their fruity drinks. I assume time will reveal the answer to my dilemma so all I have to do is wait for the answer to appear.

Local HVAC