Ladies gotta look out for each other; helped overheated girl on the street

I didn’t want to petrify her but I also didn’t want her to pass out in the heat.

Occasionally it can be entirely scary to be a woman. I am not trying to cause some sexist battle or to wage a feminist war here, but I recognize that men should understand how intimidating it can be to transfer through the world as a female. In fact, there are several circumstances which seem scary to myself and others that my male counterparts would never interpret as risky. This is why I am always trying to help other women, for instance, Last weekwhen I saw a young girl walking down the side of the street in the Summer heat. I was hastily taken aback by the sight of a human walking in the blaring sun and oppressive humidity that day. It was dangerous to be outside for any amount of time thanks to the risk of heat stroke. If you do not have access to air conditioning and advanced ventilation systems you were absolutely putting yourself in imminent danger of dehydration and overheating. I knew that the girl had a long way to walk before she reached any air conditioning possibilities because there were no homes or companies in the immediate vicinity. I didn’t want to petrify her but I also didn’t want her to pass out in the heat. I pulled off to the side of the road and gently asked the girl if she wanted to sit in my air conditioning in the motorcar for a few hours. She cheerfully climbed in and I blasted the A/C equipment as high as it would go. She told myself and others her guy had dropped her off in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a confrontation and she was ready to hitchhike with anyone who had a cooling system in their vehicle. Thank God I pulled over that day and had a working A/C unit.

a/c rep