A good friend helped me to recover faster from my sickness

When a good friend of mine heard that I was sick, he wanted to help me out.

I honestly didn’t want him to come over because I was worried that I might have that terrible virus that has been going around.

He insisted that he come over, and he said he would wear a mask to be safe. My friend has always been thoughtful and worries about people in his life, including all of his friends. I worry about my friends as well, but he is really one of those above and beyond types of people. I was shocked when he arrived at my house with Vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, a UV air purifier, and a whole box of HEPA air filters! I told him I would pay him back for getting those things, but he laughed and said they were gifts. I told him he shouldn’t stick around, but he said he wasn’t going anywhere until he set everything up for me. The first thing he did was set up the UV air purifier and he explained that the UV light would kill dangerous germs in my environment. He actually set up the UV air purifier in my room so I could benefit the most from it while getting good rest. Then he swapped out my old air filter for a HEPA air filter. I couldn’t believe how quickly the air quality was improving. Then he brewed me some tea and he had the echinacea in it. I took the zinc and Vitamin C as well and I was able to recover in days.

Commercial air conditioning