Air travel and poor air quality

I love going to new places and experiencing new landscapes, sites and culture, but I hate the actual traveling.

I live an hour away from the airport and it’s recommended to arrive an hour prior to the flight time.

Our local airport is rather small and rarely flies direct. This results in at least two flights with a layover in-between to get anything. It makes for a long day. By the time I arrive anywhere, I am typically suffering from a headache, dehydration and exhaustion. I often end up with a stuffy nose, sore throat and plugged ears. I blame the unpleasant temperature swings and poor indoor air quality. The airport terminals are typically overheated. I peel off my jacket and try to find a seat that isn’t directly getting hit by the heating vents. I don’t dare drink too much water because I hate using the bathroom on the plane. Once we finally get situated on the plane, I nearly freeze to death. I make sure to turn off that little air vent over my head, but it does little good. The airplane has some type of ventilation system that circulates the air. It’s supposed to keep the air fresh and clean. Instead, the airplane is horribly cold and filled with odd smells. People are always bringing smelly food onboard with them, and someone always seems to be coughing or sneezing. I wrap up in my jacket and shiver the whole time. We then land at the next airport and the process starts all over again. It’s always a relief to arrive at my destination. Once I check into my hotel, I immediately adjust the thermostat to my like and gulp about a gallon of water.


Air conditioning repair service