All of the HVAC equipment is being delayed

My supplier has been experiencing a pretty long wait for Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C equipment products such as oil furnaces, air conditioners, as well as temperature controls.

The concern is basically due to Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C equipment products being held up at the shipping distributor. A bunch of employees at the shipping distributor have come down with the coronavirus as well as they are running a single shift instead of 3. It essentially means everything is backed up as well as production will be very slow for a long while. The wait for products such as heat pumps, AC equipment, as well as air cleaners are twice as long as normal. My family as well as I have been waiting a week for our new air conditioner equipment! All of us ordered the new cooling equipment a week ago, right before the coronavirus outbreak started. All of the items en route to delivery were sent back to the distributor for sanitization purposes. I’m thankful we decided to order the new cooling equipment now instead of waiting until the old unit was dead. All of us still have a/c equipment in our property, so the terribly long wait time isn’t a sizable deal. My friend uses the same Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C equipment business. She has been waiting 3 weeks for an air purifier to get there. They ordered the air purification equipment shortly after the start of quarantine. I wonder if the air cleaner will arrive before the threat of the virus has entirely finished its cycle. All of us can’t complain about much, because there are so many workers easily putting their life on the line to keep the nation running. These tremendously brave souls should be receiving a wage increase for their diligent hard work as well as dedication. They are just as crucial as the dentists, doctors, as well as healthcare professionals who are regularly on the front line.

Air vent