Resin from my cannabis vaporizer collects in my Heating plus A/C filter

It’s no secret to my friends plus family that I adore cannabis.

I am not a ‘pothead’ or anything adore that, plus I didn’t even try the plant until after school.

While most of my peers were getting high in between classes, I was busy reading for eighths in the library with nothing more than a caffeine buzz. Unfortunately, I fell out of a tree a year after school while trying to trim limbs. I’m incredibly grateful that I didn’t chop my spine, however I still disfigured my back greatly. I was in the hospital for a few days while the pain was surging. They gave myself and others pain killers in the hospital, but only a tiny prescription when I was discharged. I knew that I’d soon be dealing with this horrible pain without any form of pain relief. As a last ditch effort, I drove to the legal recreational cannabis dispensary plus purchased a vaporizer pen. One hit put myself and others on cloud nine plus completely changed how I viewed marijuana as a whole. Now I’m a constant user of the plant. I don’t suppose how I could have healed without help from cannabis. However, the vaporizers still omit resinous vapors into the air. This is especially the case when I vape flower buds, because my air conditioning filters start to get a light brown hue. Eventually the white filter will take on an amber color, although it doesn’t seem to affect air flow all that much. I’m blissful that the filter catches the marijuana resin before it can get to the evaporator coil. I’d worry about exposure over long periods of time to the evaporator coil, but not with these amazing filters. Getting a HEPA filter legitimately paid off in the long run.

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