We’re definitely not cancelling our Thanksgiving holiday

When I heard certain officials talking about cancelling Thanksgiving along with numerous other holidays, I was done! We basically cancelled our whole summer thanks to this pandemic, and honestly after seeing the numbers, I feel that as long as you are not old in age, you are relatively safe from this thing! We are always careful, we wear the masks when we’re around people and we keep our distance from others, and none of us have gotten sick.

It’s probably because I invested in HEPA air filters and a nice UV air purification system.

That’s likely the reason why we haven’t gotten sick. We also make sure to get as much sunshine as possible and we take our vitamins to keep our immune systems healthy. It’s all really common sense, or at least you would think so. So this year, there’s no way that we are cancelling Thanksgiving. This is such an important holiday to me. If other people want to cancel their Thanksgivings, by all means, that’s your prerogative. But I know that with our powerful UV air purification system and HEPA air filters, we are going to be just fine. I also make sure to sanitize everything in my house regularly, so these germs stand no chance against me! I think just to be extra cautious, I will pick up some more UV air purifiers to set around the living room and the dining room, just to make sure any germs are killed and not spread around for our big feast. There’s just no way in the world I will cancel one of the most important holidays for my family.


We’re definitely not cancelling our Thanksgiving holiday