I wanted out of here

The time has come where I am finally able to quit my job & go work elsewhere.

I had no problem with the job itself.

As a matter of fact, I am going to work for the same exact dealer, just in a weird location. The job I was at never had quality heating & air conditioner in the building, & this was why I quit, or technically got a transfer to another office that has quality heating & air conditioner. A lot of people have been going this route lately. In the Last year there were at least 7 employees here that did the same thing that I did all because of the lousy central heating & air conditioner that they have in the current locale. They easily need to stop being so cheap & just update the central heating & air conditioner equipment to a heat & cooling system that can entirely cool & heat the entire office building. At this rate, if people keep transferring to another location because of this ongoing heating & cooling issue, they are going to have one less business in the city! This should be their wake up call to get on the ball & get this heating & air conditioner equipment issue taken care of as soon as humanly possible. I will say though that I am now easily cheerful working where I do in this alternate location. The heating & air conditioner is great here. If it was love this in the other location, I would have never left it.


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