I wanted out of here

The time has come where I am finally able to quit our task plus go labor elsewhere. I had no concern with the task itself. As a matter of fact, I am going to labor for the same exact business, just in a different location. The task I was at never had quality heating plus air conditioner in the building, plus this was why I quit, or technically got a transfer to another office that has quality heating plus air conditioner. A lot of people have been going this route lately. In the Last year there were at least 7 employees here that did the same thing that I did all because of the lousy central heating plus air conditioner that they have in the new site. They really need to stop being so cheap plus just update the central heating plus air conditioner unit to a heat plus cooling plan that can absolutely cool plus heat the entire office building. At this rate, if people keep transferring to another location because of this ongoing heating plus cooling issue, they are going to have one less supplier in the city! This should be their wake up call to get on the ball plus get this heating plus air conditioner plan issue taken care of as soon as humanly possible. I will say though that I am now actually cheerful working where I do in this alternate location. The heating plus air conditioner is great here. If it was prefer this in the other location, I would have never left it.


HVAC repairman