My Grandpa did not know he had a A/C unit

While he was much happier, as well as am still upset about him

I worry about my Grandpa now that he is getting older. His memory doesn’t seem to be as strong as it used to be, as well as he is calling me for things he used to be able to do himself. I don’t mind helping him out at all, but it complications his mental health. As of recently he asked me to come as well as look at his refrigerator as the ice machine was acting up. While I was there, I observed how sizzling his lake house felt, it felt a bit hot. Upon asking him about it, he informed me that has why he was wanting the ice so bad, because it was hot in his house. Anyways, when I asked him about the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system, he seemed confused as if he didn’t know what I was talking about. This greatly upset me, because he is a retired Heating as well as Air Conditioning specialist, as well as you can’t exactly forget something you did for over 40 years! I showed him the Heating as well as Air Conditioning machine as well as it seemed to spark his memory a bit, however he forgot how to use it, so I showed him how to use it again. I turned on the cooling system so his lake house would start feeling fine again. Soon his lake house was filled with a cooling breeze. While he was much happier, as well as am still upset about him. I mean he used to maintenance A/C as well as oil furnaces for a residing, so that fact he forgot his incredible concern. I truly hope that he was having a bizarre moment, as well as that this is not a sign of worse things to come.

Geo heat pump