The price has gone up

However, in the long run the small luck I spent getting 4 ductless mini split a/cs will more than pay for itself because of all the money i will be saving on these absurdly high electric bills! They overprice things so much it is genuinely disgusting.

My electric bill has been going up more and more each year and I was getting sick of it. Especially in the Summer weeks. From what I can see, it is because I have to crank our central a/c plan that time of the year, however, I figured out a way to split the electric bill in half. I gave up the central a/c plan and opted to get a ductless mini split a/c. The ductless mini split a/c plan can be mounted to the wall and it does not take a lot of energy to run. The ductless mini split can cool an entire room with as powerful as it is. I ended up buying 4 ductless mini split a/cs. One for each room. I suppose that sounds love a luck spent to do this. However, in the long run the small luck I spent getting 4 ductless mini split a/cs will more than pay for itself because of all the money i will be saving on these absurdly high electric bills! They overprice things so much it is genuinely disgusting. It seems as if the corporations get greater and richer, while they drain the average joe and make them get poorer and poorer. But thanks to the ductless mini split a/c plan I do not have to play their game anymore! Whoever invented the ductless mini split a/c plan is a real tplot saint if you ask me. I would love to shake their hand. The enjoyable old electric supplier can’t gouge me anymore in the Summer weeks of the year!

Air vent