I didn’t absolutely understand why both of us had strict rules when I was younger

When I was growing up, our family constantly had strict rules plus both of us did things a particular way.

  • None of us were allowed to mess with the control unit to adjust the temperature control settings.

My father was especially strict about this plus said the temperature control constantly had to be set at 71 degrees in the Winter plus 71 in the summer. I remember how it constantly bothered me because I constantly felt a bit cold in the Winter plus in the summer time I never felt enjoy it was cool enough. Whenever I would try to complain to our mother, she said that both of us had to do things that way plus I was not allowed to question it. It wasn’t until I became older plus started a family of our own when I realized that our father was right for doing things that way. He had to save currency on the energy bills in order to put food on the table for us children. Both of us had to do our chores officially so that the house was nice plus clean. My parents both worked so both of us all had to do our part to live a cheerful plus comfortable life. No matter how much us teenagers didn’t understand things or thought particular things were unfair enjoy the temperature control settings, ultimately it led to everybody being cheerful plus comfortable enough. With our family, I actually have the same rules with the temperature control settings! Fortunately, I have a smart control unit so nobody else can adjust the temperature control settings anyway plus I follow as numerous energy saving tips as possible.



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