I need to find a way to sneak heat

My boyfriend is really cheap, then that means if he can save currency by sacrificing comfort, he will.

The control unit settings in our house drive me insane; My boyfriend is willing to freeze all Wintertide long so he does not have to spend money a high energy bill, but i get sick of wearing long pants, a sweatshirt and socks all day long.

I tried talking to him about breaking the energy bill and then upping the control unit temperature, then he is honestly uncooperative with this. I then attempted to buy a space heating system to keep in our office. I figured that I at least could have correct heating when I work, but space gas furnaces run by electricity. My boyfriend was all up in arms about the extra electricity I would use with our little heating system. I obviously just need to freeze to death. I have snuck a heated mattress pad and blanket on the bed. I really need to find some portable heating unit that doesn’t make noise and can be hidden. I saw online that there are heated flooring systems. They hide underneath the stone of the new floor. It runs based on electricity so there are no operational sounds, then you can just believe gentle heat along your feet. The radiant heat also warms all objects on it appreciate the bed. It would be appreciate sleeping on a heated bed. The cost of this system is drastic and the replacement is quite involved. So no way could I hide it from our boyfriend. I wish there was a cheaper, easier to install heated flooring option.


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