I question restaurants HVAC choices

I work in HVAC repair and this pandemic has been pretty good for business.

I mean I understand the desire for a whole-home filtration system. Those systems kill and trap any virus or bacterial germs that are trying to circulate through the HVAC system. I also understand the whole-home humidifiers. There is evidence that virus germs dye quickly in high humidity. Then there are the people who just want HEPA filters or stronger filters installed in their central heating and air. What I don’t understand is the restaurants who want ductwork rerouted to the outside. Yes, I do understand the struggle to stay afloat when the government is putting restrictions on everything. My city has laws right now that restaurants are only allowed to serve outdoor diners. This is because UV light and fresh air lower your risk of virus exposure. In fact, most whole-home air purifiers use little UV lights to kill the viruses that pass under it. So do the HEPA filters, for that matter. However, many restaurants are closing in their outdoor dining areas with plywood, plastic sheeting, and other things. Then they are hiring HVAC technicians like me to come and reroute HVAC ductwork so that it cools or heats these “outdoor” areas. So this, essentially, blocks off all fresh air and UV lighting. No, these outdoor areas are not completely sealed up. That can’t really be achieved with those kinds of materials. However, I don’t see how that is any safer than just eating inside of the restaurant. At least a few restaurants are getting the whole-home purification systems installed at the same time. But not many of them do.


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