No, you don’t need to cover the air conditioner in the rain

I have this one uncle who thinks he knows everything about everything.

I am sure there is a know-it-all in every family but I doubt they are all as insufferable as my uncle is. However, over the years I have l received to completely ignore him. I just pretend he doesn’t exist or that he is not talking to me. It seems to work pretty good… Especially now that I am an adult. My aunt, his partner, thinks I am incredibly rude but I don’t care. Anyway, I was through a large family celebration in my backyard when it started to rain. We all grabbed the food plus dashed inside of the house. My uncle said, “shouldn’t you cover your air conditioning?” I ignored him however he kept insisting that I needed to go outside plus cover my air conditioning compressor. This is completely not necessary. I don’t even have a cover. If you keep the compressor free of leaves, elevated on the platform it is installed on, plus hire Heating and Air Conditioning specialists every now plus again you are not going to have troubles with a little rain. And yet my uncle kept insisting someone go out plus cover the air conditioning compressor. Finally I had had enough plus I told him to stop. I explained that I never, not once, had an issue with the rain hurting my air conditioning compressor. He kept going on plus on though. A week later I found out my uncle had to substitute his air conditioning compressor. Why? Because he ran the air conditioner with a cover on it in the heat. It got fried. Now who’s laughing?


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