Getting into bike riding

I am determined to get into bike riding.

I moved an hour down south because I wanted a bigger house with lots of property.

I happened to purchase a house that is right near a bike path that extends for miles. It seemed like a waste to not buy a bike and utilize the path. I haven’t ridden since I was a kid. It was weird as an adult going through the whole process again. I had to get fitted for the right size bike and get all sorts of add ons like a kickstand, water bottle holder and a basket. I also bought myself a sound doc and phone mount so I could have hands free music. I got a yoga mat and sweat towel in case I wanted to pull over and do some stretching or crunches when I bike. Right now I am taking it easy. I am not all that confident with riding. I have to take turns really wide and keep both hands firmly on my handlebars. The bike path makes it easy on me. It is carefully maintained and paved. There is also a halfway point at a soccer field that has a drinking fountain and a bathroom. That is always a nice little pick me up. I have a goal for this year though. I want to be able to compete in a triathlon. I know I could do the run and swimming portions easily. I want to get confident on a bike that I can ride without any worry. I need to build my leg muscles though. Right now I can’t bike very long without getting sore.



Fitness coahing