I don’t want to get family members sick when I’m visiting

I have really been trying to go see our Grandpa at least twice a month ever since all of the virus shutdowns started way back in the Spring season last year; I always like going to see him, but this year it has been a real struggle.

  • I have been trying to stay outside the whole time that I’m there to visit just so that our loving Grandpa won’t be exposed to anything that I might bring over.

That’s why I’ve been staying outside on the front porch instead of going inside his house to visit. This would have been fantastic except for the real fact that the weather has been cooling off a lot lately and now the temperatures are almost too cold for myself and others to deal with. It’s taxing for myself and others to stay out there on the porch when I think that the oil furnace is running and it’s nice and toasty inside his house. The reason that I think that it’s nice and cozy inside his house is because the outside oil furnace component was originally installed in the unlucky spot right next to the porch where I stand to visit with our Grandpa. The oil furnace seems to kick on and run almost incessantly whenever I’m resting there trying to have a conversation with him. The serious problem is that the exterior oil furnace component for his electric oil furnace is super loud and I can barely hear him through the glass door on the back porch, however not only is it annoying, but it also reminds myself and others that the temperature is absolutely way too cold for myself and others to be resting out there on the cold porch!


Zoned HVAC