I found out that our insurance covers bee infestations

I found out recently that our homeowner’s insurance actually covers bee infestations.

This was great news to me, since I had no money to deal with our most recent problem. It seems like when you’re a homeowner, there’s always something going wrong. First our washer broke down and then a couple of weeks later, the belt on our dryer tore up. After that, we had to fix a burst pipe in our basement and then a week after that, we started to notice a whole bunch of bees in our kitchen window. At first, I thought that it was just an isolated incident. The bees looked like yellow jackets to me and so I just squashed them with a fly swatter and threw them in the trash. But then the very next morning, there were five more bees in the windowsill, buzzing around and trying to get out. That’s when I knew that these bees were getting into the house from somewhere. I called up a residential bee extermination company that I found on the internet. They were a local company, thank goodness, and so I didn’t have to pay a ton to get them to come out and do a housecall. They figured out that we actually had a big yellow jacket nest in the wall of our garage between the garage and the kitchen. Somehow they had made their way through the interior wall and they were getting into the kitchen that way. I was so glad that the exterminators came and got rid of the yellow jacket problem for us. Nobody wants bees in their house! Best of all, the insurance company paid for the extermination.

