Moving in to a home with poor air quality

Just Last week I moved into a home I had had my eye on for over a year.

Being able to purchase it and have it as my own is what’s the best thing I could ever imagine.

My husband and my children were all very excited about making this new house truly a home so I got to work on redecorating and setting it up to our standards. We painted the kids rooms the colors they wanted, rearranged the kitchen, and we redid the bathrooms. It would take many months of work before we have completed everything we had in mind but with the more progress we made the more our house was going to feel like a home. We have been waiting for the house for so long and we decided to make this our final residence, our retirement home. Everything was perfect until just the other day my daughter pointed out but the indoor air quality wasn’t very good and the heater and air conditioning system seem to be making weird noises. She decided to take a look at it. When she did she reported back to me that the air conditioner was putting out hot air. I was surprised, as our HVAC system wasn’t too old but to play it safe and to get it repaired, we decided to call a heating and cooling technician to come out and take a look at it. It did need a repair, according to the cooling specialist, but thankfully it was nothing major. After swapping out the bad parts for some good ones, it was up and going smoothly again in no time.

heating and air conditioning