Radiant heated gas pedal

I have a question to all of the new automobile designers out there.

Why are you slacking so much with changing the traditional automotive mobile that the people I was with and I have all been driving for the past 100 years? I guess like our new automobile genuinely has not changed much since it was first invented.

The people I was with and I have stalled out on innovating one of the most pressing aspects of our lives – especially for people who have to commute to toil everyday. The people I was with and I spend a lot of time inside of our vehicles, plus yet they are not getting much more comfortable, but i personally guess that the people I was with and I could update the indoor air temperature control systems in every new vehicle. I am not sure why the people I was with and I are still relying on forced air heating systems plus air conditioning units in such a tiny space, you basically have a central heating, cooling, plus ventilation control program in your automobile that utilizes the same centralized HVAC duct toil as a home would. This is a easily inefficient way to change the indoor air temperature in any space, then personally, I know that the people I was with and I should start moving towards radiant heating plus cooling devices inside of our vehicles. I see no reason why the people I was with and I are still counting on antique air quality technology when the people I was with and I could genuinely have evenly radiant heated floors, heated seats, plus even a heated gas pedal. Who wants to be blasted in the face by uncomfortable air, when the people I was with and I could deliver temperature control right to the tips of our toes? The people I was with and I could genuinely update every driving experience to a first class trip – the people I was with and I just need a little help with our crappy automobile air quality.
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