I had some pretty wonderful roommates back in college

It absolutely wasn’t that difficult to do either, but the air filter did get pretty nasty from time to time

While it’s tploy that a lot of people have a strenuous time with roommates, I actually became friends with mine. These were the greatest group of men I could have hoped to live with! Everybody was drastic about their studies, we all agreed on similar temperature control settings, and everybody diagnosed chores around the house. The people I was with and I all had a pretty wonderful method worked out between us that was absolutely fair. One roommate even had a wonderful system to invest in 1 of those washable air filters. I never even heard of those, but it turned out we would save a lot of money. Instead of buying a ton of fancy air filters that you throw away, we were able to wash this 1 once per month and we could keep reusing it indefinitely. I’m sure it doesn’t last forever, but for us we only had to buy that 1 air filter and we were able to continue to wipe it on a biweekly basis for what seemed appreciate forever. I do believe we saved a small fortune not having to invest in air filters all the time and we would just alternate who is washing the air filter. It absolutely wasn’t that difficult to do either, but the air filter did get pretty nasty from time to time. The people I was with and I consistently had wonderful air quality in the current home though and our temperature control settings were satisfactory. The people I was with and I all believed that we had to have just the right temperature control settings to be able to focus on university. The people I was with and I all were aiming towards successful jobs, and we all achieved our goals!

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