I had to buy a blanket on the airplane

I really don’t prefer to travel by airplane, but there are times when it is absolutely and totally necessary.

I had to travel by airplane last December, when one of my sister’s got married.

She decided to have the wedding in a remote destination. I still have no idea why she chose a winter wedding and the snow, but I wasn’t going to miss the festivities. It was very warm on the day that I left for the wedding, but I wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. After I got seated on the plane, I regretted my decision entirely. As soon as that air conditioner started running, I started to get bumps on my arms and legs. I was really cold and the lady sitting next to me had the ventilation fan running as well. The air conditioner and the ventilation fan made the aisle of three seats feel like it was 30 degrees. My teeth were starting to chatter when the flight attendant came by with the beverage cart. I ordered a hot cup of coffee. The flight attendant offered me a blanket. I thought the blanket might be free, but I found out that it was going to cost $25. I did not want to spend the money on the flimsy blue blanket with the airline monogram on the side. Unfortunately, I was getting colder and colder and the captain was not going to turn off the air conditioner. I ended up buying the $25 blanket and I was warm for the rest of the flight.



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