I work at a very old theatre, and I fear it will shut down soon

I happen to be a janitor at the oldest theatre in the town. This is a really nice theatre, but unfortunately, the HVAC system is terribly outdated. There was a time when the temperature control settings weren’t too bad, but now the HVAC system struggles to bring comfort to the place. I think the owners are considering if they even want to invest in a new commercial HVAC system. They need a powerful HVAC system like that to keep such a sizable theatre comfortable. Unfortunately, the theatre doesn’t get nearly as much business as it used to. It’s a shame too because there are plenty of seats and they have some of the best performances. I’m lucky because I get to watch what’s going on for free. I also have a sense of pride in the venue because I know every inch of the place. I work hard to make sure everything stays clean and smells good. I even have put air purifiers all around to help improve the air quality a little bit. I didn’t have to do that, but I care about the air quality especially since I work there on a regular basis. I think I actually spend more time working at the studio than I do spending time at my own apartment. I also have a nice air purifier in my apartment too though, so the air quality is definitely better when I’m at home. I have told the owner a few times he should consider investing in a powerful air purification system, but he says he can’t afford it. I wish business would pick up, but I do believe the theatre will inevitably shut down soon enough.

Quality HVAC equipment