My son’s new apartment was not such good news it turned out

He gave in and even gave my son his deposit back along with his rent that he paid

When my son said that he found a nice apartment, I thought that was good news. I think I was just so happy that he was starting college soon and that he was finally getting out of the house. I didn’t think about the trouble he might be getting into. I learned later on something that was absolutely disturbing. He said that the reason why his rent was so cheap was because the landlord said something about the possibility of there being a crack in the heat exchanger. He advised that my son keep his windows opened by a crack. My son didn’t think this was a big deal because he didn’t even know what the heat exchanger was. I had to explain that if there was a crack in the heat exchanger, then that meant there would be a carbon monoxide leak! I told my son that’s why he said to keep the windows open to vent out the potential carbon monoxide. I had a specialist come in and test his HVAC system and sure enough, there was a carbon monoxide leak. Though very slight, it was still dangerous to our son! I was furious and I had a very heated conversation with the landlord of the building. I threatened to take him to court to sue him because of putting my son’s life at risk while knowing the danger of there being a carbon monoxide leak. He gave in and even gave my son his deposit back along with his rent that he paid. After that I helped my son find a really nice apartment that had a very good working HVAC system. Even though it was a little more expensive, it was worth it because it was safe, nearby to shopping centers, and there was a gym in the building.
