Somebody was freaking out at the changing room

I had a strange experience when I went to go clothes shopping the other day.

I browsed all the clothes and found some pretty good pants and shirts to try on.

When I went to the changing room, I kept hearing this guy grumbling about the temperature control settings. He kept saying that it was too overheated for him to try his clothes on and he felt like the air quality wasn’t good enough. I wished the guy would just finish trying on the clothes and be out of there. When he was finally gone, I think everybody else who was waiting was relieved. I told the worker there that I thought the temperature control settings were just fine. It was actually a really hot day and I thought the A/C levels were just right. The worker laughed and said they even have a good air purification system which keeps the air quality great. She didn’t understand why that guy was making such a big deal, but she suspected that he was stressed out about something that was unrelated. I had to agree that a lot of people do that sort of thing, unleash their stress on others via some sort of channel. In this case, this guy just happened to explode into anger while he was trying on clothes at the clothing store. I thought there was a funny smell in the changing room, but other than that, I thought everything was fine. I tried on all the clothes, bought the ones I liked and got out of there.


Heat pump