Summer will be here before we know it

Before we know it, summer is going to be here yet again.

I always complain about the high temperatures during the summer, but the truth is that I really enjoy the sun and the heat.

I have issues with my joints and with chronic pain and honestly, the heating is really the only thing that seems to help. Of course, taking my medication also helps but I hate taking medication so I avoid it whenever possible most of the time. That’s one of the main reasons that I am glad that summer is finally almost here again. I personally don’t ever like using the air conditioning during the summer, and I know that it is because I like the way the hot air makes me feel physically. It’s so much better for my joints and muscles when the temperature all around me is hot. Whenever I have to be in the cold for very long, it’s almost as if I get frozen up and I start moving around like a cold turtle. Maybe I’m really a cold blooded animal or something. At least my husband says that I’m a cold hearted person some of the time! I’m happy that the warmer weather is coming, that’s for sure. And even though I am not going to be running the air conditioning very much, I certainly don’t mind having the HVAC technician come and check out our entire HVAC system. I like keeping the HVAC system in our house in good working order, no matter what the season is. I would never run the A/C if it were up to me.

central air conditioning