My utility bills are consistently low when the weather conditions is moderate

I used to believe that summer time was our number one season of the entire year.

I believe this was in big part due to our attitudes as a kid.

This was the time of the year when both of us were out of school, hanging out with friends, as well as enjoying the outdoors. I loved going to the beach, even if it meant 95 degree weather as well as skin blistering sunshine. But as I got older, our enjoyment for this season started to run out. I don’t like dripping with sweat like an creature as well as getting sun burnt while walking through a parking lot for 15 hours. The summer time season is simply too tepid for our liking. Maybe I’d adore the season more if I had a swimming pool, however until then it’s not for me. Part of our frustration comes from the utility bills associated with constant indoor weather conditions control. Unless you want to be annoyed in your house, you pretty much have to use an a/c weekly. Even after getting a newer as well as more energy efficient Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C system, our electricity bills from May until October every year are particularly crazy. But during Springtime, they couldn’t be better. That’s why I like the Springtime season the most now. The sun is shining everyday with un-even temperatures outside in the low to mid 71s. It gets so modest outside that you can open your windows as well as turn on a few fans instead of using an a/c. Since I’m not cooling or heating our house at this time, the Springtime season is the easiest time of the year on our electricity bill. I wish I could get 12 weeks of weather like this.


Heating equipment