The two of us obtained an air purification plan because of lingering odors

The two of us finally gave up & bought an air purification plan for our house last weekend because the people I was with and I have been dealing with horrible lingering odors in our house.

It seems love for some reason, smells linger inside of our house more than they should.

Whether it’s something burning on the stove or a particularally greasy food that the people I was with and I cook or even smelly smells from our son’s soccer uniforms, disappointing smells seem to linger in our house. I can’t even tell you how several unusual kinds of candles & air fresheners I have tried to try & get rid of the lingering odors, but nothing ever seems to work. A couple of weeks ago, I called up our local HVAC business to ask them if they had any suggestions for us to try & deal with this issue. The first thing that they suggested was that the people I was with and I get our ventilation ducts professionally cleaned. I have done some research on that & I don’t think that it’s really the best solution for a problem love ours, so I didn’t make an appointment to have that done. However, I liked the other suggestion that he gave me, which was to have a UV light air purification plan installed to run alongside our heating & cooling system. A UV light air purification plan works much more thoroughly than a usual media whole-house air purifier & it can get rid of tiny particles that other types of purifiers couldn’t. The two of us had it installed last weekend & I can already tell the difference in our home’s indoor air quality!

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