Adding a bit of HVAC to my new office space

I have seen a great deal of change when it comes to both my job and just how I make a living.

And this all came about due to economic necessity due to the pandemic.

It wasn’t a week into the lock downs that I lost my job. I was a full time bartender in a very upscale bar. The place even had zone controlled HVAC. It was a very comfortable place to work, the money was great and I enjoyed the social aspect. At the same time, I felt that I was sort of stuck in a bit of a rut. The job was so great, that I really didn’t have any motivation to change and go after what I really wanted. And that had to do with the fact that what I wanted to do would take hours of solitude inside the air conditioning of my home. Well lo and behold, that’s exactly what I received. So the choice to start writing for pay was sort of made for me. I was an English and Creative Writing major in college. The word and working with it was what I truly wanted to do. Once the pandemic cost me that cushy job, I dove in head first. My wife still had her job and she worked from home in the air conditioning as well. The nature of her work forced me to get a prefab shed and put it in the backyard to work from. It’s actually now the perfect office space since I’ve added the ductless heat pump. Now, I’m writing, making money and really doing my best to chase my passions.

New contractor